Newark B737 First Officer M.C. R. used Aviate to go from flight attendant to pilot

M.C. R.’s pilot journey
Joined Aviate viaUnited Family Program entry point
Transitioned to United fromCommuteAir
Current role737 First Officer
Newark (EWR)-based B737 First Officer M.C. started her career as a United flight attendant. After 10 years in that role, she was inspired to pursue a pilot career after an insightful conversation with a United Captain.
“He is one of the main reasons that I found my love of flying and am a new First Officer at United,” M.C. shared.
She began her flight training in Maryland and then became a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) in Oklahoma City. After becoming a CFI, M.C. applied to Aviate through the Family Program entry point with her previous United career experience.
M.C. then flew with CommuteAir to build out her flight experience before returning to United as a First Officer.
“I have such an amazing community at United that supported me through the whole learning process,” she said.