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United’s growth potential had Houston B737 First Officer Spencer R. seeking out Aviate

Spencer R.’s pilot journey

Joined Aviate viaUniversity entry point

Transitioned to United fromGoJet Airlines

Current role737 First Officer


Spencer had his eyes set on United Airlines for a long time and brought this vision of working for us to life.

While pursuing an aviation degree at the University of North Dakota (UND), one of Aviate’s first university partners, he learned about the program and joined through the university entry point.

“I always thought United had an awesome and growing route network and the best opportunity to fly widebody aircraft all over the world,” Spencer said.

After graduating and building flight time as a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) at UND, he was hired at GoJet Airlines, an Aviate United Express partner, where he continued to build his experience. There, he flew as a First Officer and a Captain before transitioning to United where he became a Houston (IAH)-based B737 First Officer.