Denver A320 First Officer Glenn C.’s journey to United was 30 years in the making

Glen C.’s pilot journey
Joined Aviate viaUnited Express entry point
Transitioned to United fromCommuteAir
Current roleA320 First Officer
Glenn wanted to be a pilot ever since his grandfather took him to an airshow when he was 7 years old.
Although he initially took a different career path, Glenn came back to the idea of being a pilot at age 40 and is so glad that he did.
Glenn’s experience spanned the globe, serving as a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) in Australia and then a bush pilot in Papua, New Guinea. After returning to the U.S., he flew as a First Officer for Commute Air, one of Aviate’s United Express carrier partners, and joined the Aviate program. He then upgraded to Captain, before recently transitioning to United as a Denver (DEN)-based A320 First Officer.