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United in the news: CNBC’s ‘The Rise of United Airlines’

December 13, 2024

As we wrap up 2024, we’re proud to celebrate United as the best-performing U.S. airline in stock this year. In nearly a century of operation, United has grown to be one of the biggest airlines in the world, serving 348 airports globally and owning the most international routes.

CNBC recently released a video titled, "The Rise of United Airlines," which looks at United’s history, resilience and growth.

How did we reach this milestone and what’s next for United?

When United merged with Continental back in 2010, the $8.5 million deal brought key hubs like Newark and Houston into the United network. We realized the sky was the limit for our business but faced obstacles to overcome as we continued to grow.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, United used a $50+ billion taxpayer bailout to ensure we didn’t have to furlough any employees, including our pilots. This benefit helped the company recover faster than other airlines, while prioritizing stability for our workforce.

As we bounced back from the pandemic, we identified areas of growth potential for us in the industry, one of which has come from offering premium seating. In the third quarter of this year, United's premium revenue rose 5%. This growth and improvement spanning our business ensures we’re not only the largest airline in the world, but also the airline that connects families and friends across global destinations.

Now, after steady improvement over the last 5 years, we’re looking to the future with hopes to be the most profitable airline at the forefront of our goals for 2025.

If you would like to become a pilot for United Airlines, be sure to fill out the Career Selector tool to see how you can begin your journey to our flight deck.